You want to dance, but don't know where to go? Well, once you've turned the big 2-1, Sideways is the place to be! This full bar has quite a nice dance floor in front of its small stage, perfect for showing off your latest and greatest moves to some DJayed tunes or band's songs. The best parts of the floor, though, are the built-in cooling vents. The surface of the sun has nothing on the dance floor at Sideways once the party starts, so these vents provide a welcome blast of cool air and, as an added bonus, you can pretend to be Marilyn Monroe while standing over them!
Oh! Looks like it's time for a bathroom break. Once you manuver your way through the crowds to the hallway behind the stage, you'll find your destination. These bathrooms are pretty standard as far as Athens bar bathrooms go. Nothing to write home to Mom about, but they serve their purpose well.
As the bathroom door closes behind you and you step into the hallway once more, you'll probably notice another cool feature of this bar: the upstairs component. Want a party on the rooftop? Need to step out for air, but don't want to be bothered with finding your ID to get back in the bar? Just a few steps up the stairs, and you'll feel like you're in a completely different place. The atmosphere is more laid back up here, so many couples choose a spot here to get to know each other a bit better away from the loud music. If the upstairs isn't your scene, you might want to play pool by the entrance of the bar for a while instead. After a short break, though, I'm sure you'll be wanting to get back to the party. One small word of warning: by midnight, the floor will likely be covered in spilled beer so be sure to save your white knee socks for another downtown venture. All in all, though, Sideways is quite a bar!
Sideways Bar at a glance:
Ages: 21 & up
Cost: Generally free
Venue Phone Number: 706-319-1919
Venue location & Google Map: 364 E. Broad St, Athens, GA 30601
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Reviews of recent concerts/events at Sideways Bar:
Have any thoughts of your own about this venue? Dying to know something specific that I didn't mention? Be sure to comment below! Also, to read about all of the venues I've reviewed, visit my venues page!
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