Dear Santa (and Athens),
I know I'm supposed to write and send you a list of things I hope to find under the tree this year, but honestly Athens gave me everything I wanted already! How can I ever thank you enough for 2009, Athens? Thank you for the fans. They've been totally awesome! Thank you for the amazing bands. I never imagined I'd get a shoutout from the stage or links to my blog from some of Athens' finest or the most rockin' birthday party ever. Wow! Oh, and thank you for the music scene in general. It's ever so dynamic. Sometimes it thrives, sometimes it just barely manages to dance its way into our ears, but no matter what, it's a treasure trove of talent and unbelievable experiences!
Santa, all I hope is that you grant the Christmas/Hanukkah/Squidmas/Kwanzaa/Giftmas wishes of all of the citizens of Athens... and the world too, of course!
Much love,
Kristen a.k.a. Echoreyn of Athens
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