Hello, my friends! Hope you all are surviving this ridiculously indecisive weather. Want something to take your mind off your wet boots and your freezing hands?
Well, Echoreyn of Athens is planning a few things for the near future, but we need your help! Comment here or on the EoA facebook page, or hey, shoot us an email, and let us know which songs by Athens and Atlanta bands you think are the best love songs. How about the best breakup songs? The best makeout songs? Which songs make you think completely inappropriate thoughts, and which ones are just purely, blissfully beautiful? All suggestions are welcome! Just post a link to the song or music video and tell us why you think it fits one of these categories. If you've been dying to spread the word about your favorite underground band, today's a great day to do it!
As always, don't forget to click the Monthly Concert Picks button on the sidebar to check out some upcoming shows that are guaranteed to rock your socks off! And prepare yourselves... February's concert picks are coming soon!
You all are absolutely amazing! Thanks for reading! :)
you should check out ben's bikes sunday night. trust me.