All of you established bands of Athens, don't get too comfortable! A new generation is bringing their tunes to our town and showing us that pure talent has no age restrictions. They may not be old enough to drink yet (heck, some can't even vote), but boy, can they rock!
At the shockingly early time of 8 PM, my friend Olivia and I arrived at Nuçi's Space ready to treat our ears to some tunes. The crowd that filled the venue was quite different than the ones I'm used to, and I was very excited to see what these bands had in store for us. As we entered, Second Sons played us in with their fun, upbeat songs. These kids have definitely got some skills.
Then it was Tealvox time. I've been dying to see these guys again since their Athfest performance last summer, and I can honestly say that their sound has grown in leaps and bounds since then! Add a few member changes and a ton of brand new songs, and Tealvox is a huge force to be reckoned with. Headed by the undeniably talented Cody Stalvey, the band's cross-genre style fired up the crowd and even had one couple waltzing across the floor during one of their slower songs. Brilliant stuff! And trust me, I wasn't the only one in the crowd totally blown away by their set. After one of their first few tunes, a guy right behind me told his friend that, "That was the sickest song I've ever heard. I'm definitely buying their CD." Confirmation of their pure awesomeness, indeed! And I've gotta say, I'm always impressed by a band that doesn't let little things like a faulty mic get in their way. These guys never missed a beat. Very nice! Tealvox finished their slice of the show with a totally rockin' song called Dinosaur that I just loved.

And the music didn't stop there. Created by four boys, one as young as eleven, the youthful prodigies of Athens (the band) gave us a setlist of wildly well-executed covers of some rather familiar rock phenomenons like Van Halen and a few original songs as well. Wow! When I was eleven, the only thing I had ever done onstage was read a poem about seasons to my classmates and their parents. Label me impressed. It truly is just great to see kids like these take up instruments and rock a venue!
Yes, I'll admit it. For most music bloggers, high school and middle school bands are uncharted territory. But these talents just can't be ignored! Watch out, Athens, and keep your ears open. This music scene of ours just keeps exploding with amazing new talent!
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