It's just not possible to see an amazing show in the middle of UGA's campus amidst the dining halls and freshman dorms, right? Well, last friday just before darkness fell, the Novanauts showed us just how wrong this assumption was. In the breezeway between Creswell and Bolton, Kalvinova lead singer Luke Galloway debuted his latest music project to a small crowd of excited friends and fans.
Now, remember that last thing I said about Kalvinova that I may never say about another band again? Well, as a combination of electronic pop and rock with enticing large scale visual displays, the Novanauts band retains a similar style of pure awesomeness. Honestly, I could hardly believe my ears. I've never heard such a clean, professional sound from a band playing outdoors before! This was their first show? If I didn't know any better, I would have never guessed it. Their songs were expertly crafted already, and they had those in the crowd dancing up a storm. And then one of the coolest things of all happened. Just before several girls in the audience called for an encore, they gave us what proved to be a completely unforgettable experience.
Now, I've gotta say, this was the second time in a week that I've seen a band in Athens cover Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. Looks like this is the latest "it song" to cover. Truly, though, they completely blew me away with their version of it. It couldn't have sounded better if it was their own original song. But what made this whole thing even more memorable? Well, as the band rocked their way through the song, lights in three of the rooms on Creswell's third floor flickered on and off to the beat. I still don't know who planned this, but, wow, it was a wild sight! Combined with the music, I was practically experiencing sensory overload. Most awesome thing ever.
Really, the whole show kind of made me feel like I was in a movie or something. Bands can't sound this good just outside the freshman dorms, right? Pinch me! This had to be a dream, right? See, it really doesn't matter where a show is. The feeling is in the experience... And after seeing their first show, I can tell you the Novanauts' experience is a spectacular one!
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