Echoreyn of Athens' Guide to Athfest
Things to Bring
- Sunscreen
- It gets hot out there (this year's temperatures are around the high 80s!), so be sure to bring sunscreen and plenty of it, the higher the SPF, the better. You might also consider bringing along a hat. After all, tunes are no fun when you're burned to a crisp!
- Sunglasses
- At Athfest, the sun will make its greatest effort to try to blind you and keep you from seeing all of the awesome acts rocking the outdoor stages. Don't let the sun win. Bring along a pair of shades! Without fail, I forget to bring these every year, and there's never a day at the festival when I don't wish I had them with me.
- Water (and other hydrating drinks)
- Dehydration is a serious problem in Athfest-level heat, so make sure to keep yourself stocked with plenty of liquids especially since drinks bought at the festival can be pretty expensive. Also, if you're feeling overheated, be sure to step into some shops or seek out some shade. Rumor has it, there may even be a shaded wristband-only spot to hang in this year. Either way, don't spend the whole day in the sun! I've had heat stroke at least once at every Athfest I've attended, and trust me, it's no picnic.
- A Raincoat or Umbrella
- It is practically a guarantee that it's going to rain at some point during Athfest, (heck, two years ago we witnessed a storm was so memorable, we wrote several entries about it) so be sure to come prepared. Since all of the shows during the day are outdoors, it's a very likely possibility that you will get wet. Also, if you're on Twitter, you should most certainly follow @athensgaweather for up-to-date and in-depth weather details.
- Snacks
- If you'll be spending all day at the festival, you'll need more than just the free samples you collect from the booths to keep you on your feet. Bring along a sandwich or some energy bars for the road.
- Money
- Chances are, you'll find a band whose tunes you just love. Or maybe, something in one of the artists' booths will catch your eye. Or hey, perhaps you'll be craving a bit more food and drink than you brought with you. No matter what, you'll need to remember to bring some cash so that that CD, t-shirt, or snow-cone can be yours!
- Wristband and ID
- If you're participating in the nighttime venue crawl, this one's a must! In fact, some venues won't let you in at all without one. I suggest keeping your wristband on throughout the weekend (it's waterproof) or attaching it to something you'll always bring with you, like a purse or wallet.
- Schedule of Bands You Want to See
- Make a list of bands you're dying to catch in action along with all the info on where and when they're playing so that you can make the most of your Athfest experience! Not sure which of the almost 200 bands you should go see? Check back tomorrow for Echoreyn of Athens' Athfest show picks list!
- Map
Can't figure out which venue is which? Worried you'll get lost making your way from show to show? Nab yourself a copy of this year's festival map right here!
- Phone
- If you come to Athfest with friends, chances are you'll want to split up at some point to catch different bands or take breaks from the heat in some of the air-conditioned shops downtown.
Don't forget your phone so that you can catch up with them again later! Also, you can follow us at @echoreyn on Twitter and get all kinds of Athfest updates and special tips straight to your phone as well.

- Camera
- Athfest is a wild, awesome, and incredible experience! Bring along a camera to capture your favorite memories of the weekend.
And most importantly, bring a sense of fun and get ready to rock!
Hooray! I was hoping that you'd have some sort of guide to Athfest to offer, and so you do! Looking forward to your picks list tomorrow, and I hope to see you around this weekend!